Should I Cut Before Summer

Should I Cut Before Summer? Scientific-backed Explanation and Easy Tips: 2024

Summer is just around the corner, and many people are wondering ‘Should I cut before summer’. If you’re someone who’s been bulking up over the winter months, you might be thinking about losing some of that extra fat to show off your muscles. But is cutting before summer really necessary? And if so, what are some easy tips for achieving your goals?

Should I Cut Before Summer

Let’s take a closer look at some scientifically based explanations as to why summer is the perfect time to cut. We will also cover this question, ‘Should I cut before summer’ and look into some easy simple tips to help you get started.

Should I Cut Before Summer? Scientifically based explanation

Cutting before summer is a popular choice among bodybuilders, and for good reason. There are a few keys scientifically based reasons why cutting in the summer is more effective than cutting in the winter:

1. Increased Activity Levels

As per the recent studies done in 2021. During the summer, most people tend to be more active. Longer days and warmer weather mean that we’re more likely to spend time outdoors, go for walks or runs, and generally move around more. This increased activity can help to burn more calories, making it easier to lose weight.

Increased Activity Levels

2. Higher Metabolic Rate

During the summer months, our body’s metabolic rate tends to be higher due to the warmer temperatures. This means that our body burns more calories to maintain its core temperature, making it easier to create a calorie deficit necessary for cutting.

3. Fresher and healthier food options

Summer is the season of fresh fruits and vegetables, which can be incredibly helpful when it comes to cutting. These foods tend to be low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer periods of time.

4. Mood-boosting benefits

A study done in 2019 on 16,800 people found a direct relation between sunlight and good mods. The longer daylight hours and increased exposure to sunlight during the summer can help boost mood and energy levels, which can be beneficial for sticking to a cutting diet and exercise routine.

5. Increased water intake

It is essential to stay hydrated while cutting, and in the summer, it is easier to drink more water due to warmer temperatures and increased perspiration. This can help keep you feeling full and prevent overeating.

Increased water intake

Overall, cutting in the summer can be a great way to take advantage of the natural benefits of the season. It is perfect for cutting.

Best way to start cutting for summer? Easy Tips

Now that we’ve covered the scientific explanation and given you an answer to your question,’ Should I Cut Before Summer?’ already. Let’s take a look at some easy and Best way to start cutting for summer.

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is always the essential key for any weight loss plan, but it’s especially important during the summer months and when you are cutting. Not only does it help you stay hydrated in the heat, but it can also help you feel fuller and reduce your carvings when you diet. Drinking water can also help boost your overall metabolism which in return burns more calories more easily.

2. Focus on Whole Foods

Like drinking water, nutritional food is also another absolutely essential part whenever weight loss in your mind. When cutting, it’s important to focus on whole foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients. This means lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Focus on Whole Foods
Focus on Whole Foods

Personal Note: Focus on an overall balanced diet. Do not cut all the carbs and fats at once. Take it slowly on yourself. This will help with carvings and motivation. If needed try to also add supplements like Whey Protein (only if you are not able to complete your daily macros).

If you are confused about a balanced diet, What is whey protein, and which one is best for you? Certain check my blog pages for more in-depth details.

3. Increase Your Cardio

Cardio is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. During the summer, take advantage of the warmer weather and go for runs, bike rides, or walks outside. However, make sure you don’t go out in the sun time, either go in the morning or in the evening. So that you don’t get any heatstrokes.

4. Lift Weights

Strength training is another important part of any weight loss plan. Although if you are a normal person who doesn’t lift any weight you can still cut weight in summer by following other tips given here. However, it is still recommended to lift weights because it will increase your strength, help you build muscle mass, and also it can help you burn more calories during resting periods. An overall good physique will make you look more attractive than just cutting fat and being skinny. Make sure to include weight-lifting exercises in your routine.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep, which often gets neglected by everyone as unnecessary in this period is in fact the most important step in all. This is where the magic happens (your body recovers). Sleep is important for weight loss and overall health. Don’t neglect Sleep and Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help keep your body and mind healthy.

Get enough sleep

6. Track your progress

Tangible proof is always more motivating than mental confusion. Cutting or weight loss can be very demotivating at times and confusing as it is hard to see live results. Tracking your progress is essential for ensuring that your cutting program is effective. You should take regular progress photos and measurements to monitor changes in your body composition. Real visible proof will kick your motivation off the roof.

P.S.– I am also taking pictures after every workout to keep a track of it.

The Bottom Line

Should I Cut Before Summer? Definitely. It is the perfect time to start cutting to show off your hard-earned muscles. It is scientifically and naturally supported. Follow the simple steps like staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, doing some cardio, doing some strength training, and eating a healthy and well-balanced diet. Track your progress to stay motivated and you will achieve your dream physique.


Q1. How long should I cut before summer?

It depends on your goal (How much you want to cut) and your current physique (How much fat percentage you have). In general, It takes somewhere around 2-3 months to get cut before summer.

Q2. Should I bulk or cut during summer?

I would suggest definitely going with cutting. Summer has some natural benefits when it comes to cutting like increased metabolism, increased activity time, and fresher and healthier food options. Which you will not get in winter.

Q3. What month should you start cutting for summer?

I would suggest starting your cutting month in March or April. As it takes around 2-3 months to get in a good cut shape.

Q4. How to cut for summer woman?

It doesn’t really matter that much whether you are a man or woman. Summer is going to treat you the same. So, just follow the simple steps like, Staying hydrated, doing some cardio workouts, Getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water and you are ready for the slim fit cut body.

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